Calling All She-Fans!

If you live in the New York area and enjoy minor league baseball, you absolutely must go to see the Hudson Valley Renegades (Class A Affiliate of the Tampa Bay Rays) take on the Staten Island Yankees (Class A Affiliate of the New York Yankees) on Tuesday, July 7th. 
Why? Because history will be made that night. Here’s the event poster.
Yes, women will be the stars of the evening as the Renegades welcome only the “better half” to the ballpark.
According to the team’s press release:
“On this evening, all men will be greeted in their own separate zone outside the gates, with only female fans permitted inside until the game is official at the 5th inning mark. All boys, seven and under, will be allowed entry at any time – the Renegades’ homage to Momma’s boys everywhere.”

There’s more.
“Ladies, venture out to Dutchess Stadium on July 7th for this celebration of femininity and independence, as the Hudson Valley Renegades will honor some of the most powerful and successful women working in baseball. Throwing out the ceremonial first pitch will be New York Yankees Vice President and Assistant General Manager, Jean Afterman, one of the most respected and influential executives in Major League Baseball.”

The “Ball-Less Baseball” campaign was designed to create a night out at the ballpark solely for women. According to Tyler Tumminia, the team’s marketing VP: “We have recognized the significant buying power that women have wielded within our parks for several years, and have seen the growth of females within our industry skyrocket along the same timeline. We wanted to both thank them for their support and empower them to continue their rapid ascent within our ranks.”
So glad she-fans are being recognized with this great promotion. My favorite part (not counting that “Confessions of a She-Fan” will be given a shout-out on the video screen) is that women will be able to receive a full spa treatment while watching the game. Can you picture it?
Be one of the first 2,500 fans through the gates at 6 p.m. and you’ll receive a special commemorative coin courtesy of the New York Lottery. For tickets and info, visit the Renegades’ web site at
To set the mood, here’s an old clip of Aretha Franklin doing her thing.
Speaking of respect, the Yankees need to earn some by beating the Braves. We’ve matched up favorably against them in the past, but history means nothing if:
* Cano tries to pull everything.
* Jeter grounds into double plays.
* Matsui takes weak hacks.
* Swisher strikes out looking.
* A-Rod doesn’t drive the ball.
* Gardner gets on base but doesn’t steal.
* Damon drops routine fly balls.
* Melky uncorks a wild one.
* Girardi overuses Coke.
* Bombko makes an appearance.
* Wang still can’t figure it out.
I predict none of the above will happen. In fact, I think the Yankees will kick off a nice, long winning streak that will carry them right into the All-Star Break, knock the Red Sox out of first place, and make me sorry I ever yelled at them in my living room.


  1. juliasrants

    But how can you watch the game if you’re getting a spa treatment? lol! Wonder if they will home some of the women from “A League of Their Own” era. They would be great to see and hear speak. Talk about an inspiration for women!



    I hope you are right about the team getting on a streak. I agree with your feelings about overuse of Coke (lol) — Girardi is starting to do what Torre used to do to Scott Proctor. I don’t think anyone can predict what the outcome is going to be with Wang. We know the kind of results he had in the past but its 2009 and we just don’t know. At this point we just have to hope for the best. This is not easy in NY right now where we have had nothing but bad weather — its tough to be optimistic when you haven’t seen the sun in like a month! Onward and upward — maybe the powers that be are Yankees fans and they have been crying. Its time for the Yankees to start winning and we can start singing “Let The Sun Shine In”.


    Maybe the Yankees can start winning, but I don’t think they can knock off the Red Sox before the break. Look at who the Sox play – Washington, Atlanta, Baltimore, Seattle, Kansas City, and Oakland I think. With their rotation pitching well recently and Smoltz replacing the ailing Dice-K it will be hard to take even a series away from them before the break.


    Don’t get too worried, there will still be plenty of foot-iongs and hot italian sausages to satisfy any hunger in the early innings.

    Chef Alphonso

  5. Jane Heller

    Emma, you should go while the Dodgers are playing in NY! You’d have a ball (no pun intended).

    Julia, I think they are planning to have some important women in baseball history so it should be a very special evening. As for the spa treatments, I guess maybe during the 7th inning stretch????

    I know what you mean about the weather, Diane. During the week I was there, it was nothing but rain and clouds, and it wasn’t exactly uplifting. But maybe the sun will come out soon for the Yanks, literally and figuratively, and they’ll turn this little slide around.

    Wimpering is right, Jeff. Some of the former Renegades who came up from this team are Josh Hamilton and Evan Longoria and I can’t picture them “ball-less.”

    Cmrucki, our rotation is pretty good too (if CC is not seriously injured). I think it’s the offense that’s been the real concern, especially A-Rod’s slump, but I don’t think it will last.

    I wish every ballpark could have a night like the one the Renegades are having, Kaybee. Sounds like fun.

    I’m glad to know there will be sausages, Alphonso. I didn’t know you’d be there cooking them though.


    Oh, that was a DELIGHTFUL posting!! Ladies, have a fab-o-luss day at the Park — Janie, sorry you can’t be there your own self!! Now, Sunday was the kind of day at the ballpark that my Greek wife loved — it was Free Gym Bag Day at Nats Park, but only for the first 10,000 — we took the Metro, which is way convenient but S-L-O — told her, no way we get any bags. We each got one — plus got some upper deck seats for $10 — such a deal!! Meanwhile, let’s DO hope that they can turn that slowly sinking Yankee battleship (garbage scow?) around…NOW would be nice time, don’cha think??

  7. Jane Heller

    There’s nothing like freebies at the ballpark, Dave. Glad you and your wife got the gym bags. Maybe the Yankees should give those away. The last time I got something it was a cardboard “mouse pad.” Not good.

  8. thekfny28

    “* Cano tries to pull everything.”
    Disagreed, Cano is hitting really well except in late game situations with a runner on first and less than two outs.
    “* Jeter grounds into double plays.”
    “* Matsui takes weak hacks.”
    He’s taking big hacks, he’s just not hitting anything.
    “* Swisher strikes out looking.”
    Swisher has come back to earth after being red hot at the beginning of the season and ice cold lately.
    “* A-Rod doesn’t drive the ball.”
    He hit an encouraging RBI single yesterday, which he drove. But still, agreed.
    “* Gardner gets on base but doesn’t steal.”
    Gardner steals everytime he’s on, come on now.
    “* Damon drops routine fly balls.”
    Agreed, twice is too much.
    “* Melky uncorks a wild one.”
    Only once! Jeez’m!
    “* Girardi overuses Coke.”
    He probably does but I can understand why, he’s very effective right now.
    “* Bombko makes an appearance.”
    Most definitely.
    “* Wang still can’t figure it out.”
    Definitely, again.
    Come down and talk the game at my blog, Jane!
    -EJ the Kid From New York

  9. thekfny28

    “* Cano tries to pull everything.”
    Disagreed, Cano is hitting really well except in late game situations with a runner on first and less than two outs.
    “* Jeter grounds into double plays.”
    “* Matsui takes weak hacks.”
    He’s taking big hacks, he’s just not hitting anything.
    “* Swisher strikes out looking.”
    Swisher has come back to earth after being red hot at the beginning of the season and ice cold lately.
    “* A-Rod doesn’t drive the ball.”
    He hit an encouraging RBI single yesterday, which he drove. But still, agreed.
    “* Gardner gets on base but doesn’t steal.”
    Gardner steals everytime he’s on, come on now.
    “* Damon drops routine fly balls.”
    Agreed, twice is too much.
    “* Melky uncorks a wild one.”
    Only once! Jeez’m!
    “* Girardi overuses Coke.”
    He probably does but I can understand why, he’s very effective right now.
    “* Bombko makes an appearance.”
    Most definitely.
    “* Wang still can’t figure it out.”
    Definitely, again.
    Come down and talk the game at my blog, Jane!
    -EJ the Kid From New York

  10. Jane Heller

    Well, we can’t agree on everything, EJ, but we do agree that our Yanks need a win tonight. Will stop by your blog and see what’s up.

  11. rocklandyanks

    Weeeeell at then end of the 7th aaand:

    * Cano tries to pull everything.
    eh hes ok
    * Jeter grounds into double plays.
    * Matsui takes weak hacks.
    well he walked…
    * Swisher strikes out looking.
    does swingin at first pitches count?
    * A-Rod doesn’t drive the ball.
    * Gardner gets on base but doesn’t steal.
    Well he stole! but DPs are always good ways to make that useless
    * Damon drops routine fly balls.
    hes not playing 😦
    * Melky uncorks a wild one.
    fortunately he hasnt had to yet…
    * Girardi overuses Coke.
    The pitcher or…..
    * Bombko makes an appearance.
    Lets hope not
    * Wang still can’t figure it out.
    unfortunately he really didnt pitch all that poorly. He gave up 3 runs yes, but thats not that bad at all for a start, heck if he went 1 more inning he would have gotten a Quality Start. But once again, the bats are absolutely awful.

  12. Jane Heller

    A disaster, rocklandyanks. That’s what this is. Posada just struck out for the fourth time. I think we’ll be seeing Cervelli tomorrow.

  13. heryankeefandiary

    This is rediculous! I can’t stand it! I am SO glad I didn’t watch (much) today-stupid MLB.TV kept cutting out (my wireless can suck) and when it got to the 9th and we had a big goose egg I gave up. I went out for food with a friend and just came back and checked the scores and standings. We’re 5 whole games back (behind the freakin’ RED SOX!) and tied with Toronto! I’m in a fragile state and there’s only so much I can take. The insanity has GOT to stop!!!
    Why is this happening??? Hmmmmm…I’m beginning to think that while they were in Boston their food and water got spiked, or they have been under some spell inflicted by some crazy bean towner. I mean, think about it-since they were there it all went to hell. They EVEN lost to THE NATIONALS and it hasn’t stopped! They are far from slumping-they are passed the hell out! Urgh!

    Oh yeah, and the “Ball-Less Baseball” (that’s hilarious) sounds amazing, I would SO go if I lived in NY-bet you would too huh?



    Great. What about men who purchased tickets for this game before the promotion was announced? What about people with tickets to seats that will be occupied by women in the 6th inning who don’t belong there? Will it be considered acceptable to leave elderly males in the parking lot? Will the team be giving something extra to men with box seats, since they will have paid more than men with GA seats for the same game experience?

    What’s next? Negro League night where only black people are allowed into the stadium? Somebody call the ACLU; this one’s headed for a lawsuit.

    The Goldklang Group and the Renegades clearly have no idea what they’re doing with this promotion.

  15. Jane Heller

    Vanessa, I would definitely go to the Ball-Less Promo if I hadn’t just been in NY. Sounds like a great time. As for the Yanks, it’s so hard to watch them get shut out. I know they’ll come out of it. I just don’t know WHEN!!!!

  16. Jane Heller

    Waldo, I thought I’d let the Renegades’ marketing VP respond to your comment…..

    The Renegades picked this particular evening for the promotion for a
    specific purpose- at the time of the decision, almost all of the tickets
    that were sold were to our season ticket holders and similar multiple game
    plans- making it possible for us to actively inform them of the deviation
    from a normal Gades event. If any of those fans wish to not attend this
    game, we have many options to otherwise satisfy them. It’s not a “tough
    luck” situation- they are being fairly (many would say more than fairly)

    As for seats, we will not sell box or reserved seats to women that are held
    by others- unless those who hold those tickets wish to release them. There
    should be no issues with seating once the men are released into the park.

    I’m not certain what “leave elderly males in the parking lot means”, but as
    we do every game, we make available seating for those disabled or unable to
    move sufficiently well to their seats. This game will be no different.

    Those who hold box seats- many of them season ticket holders- have several
    avenues (as noted above) available to them should they wish not to attend
    the game.

    We are not barring men from our park. In fact, we are setting up a
    wonderful and entertaining area for them just outside our gates, where we
    have screens up showing the game going on inside. This is a
    celebration of women and the power of women both in our sport and society as
    a whole. If someone wishes to ruin that because they are not able to sit in
    a seat for five measly innings on a summer night, they might need to get out
    more. If your reader is one of our fans who holds a ticket to that night
    and is not happy with the promotion, please have them contact us and we will
    find him a solution.


    The above response from the Renegades marketing VP displays the ignorance of the thought process that went into dreaming up what may become one of the worst promotions in professional baseball history, much less the worst idea in the sixteen seasons of Renegades baseball.

    One need not be a woman in order to acknowledge, appreciate, and celebrate the accomplishments of women in professional baseball (which is the claimed objective of the promotion) or of women in general. To restrict attendance to women only is to perpetuate the imagined gender segregation problem. Male employees (ushers, groundskeepers, security, even the jerk of a PA announcer) will be required to attend to perform their duties, and to accommodate this requirement, they will be dressed in drag, wearing dresses and wigs, which is only mocking and demeaning to women.

    I’ve been a season ticket holder at Dutchess Stadium every year since it began. My wife, son, daughter, and I come to enjoy the baseball and social aspects of interacting with friends whom we would not have met if not for the baseball games. If we were to attempt to attend the game, my son and I would very simply not be getting what we paid for.

    The management team offers the opportunity to “please have them (sic) contact us and we will find him a solution.” The solution is simple and obvious: I want to watch baseball, and I have purchased a ticket, so let me in. I want to watch a live baseball game in person. The most likely solutions offered by management will be as described – the option to watch the game on wide-screen TVs in the parking lot. I did not purchase a twelve-dollar ticket to do that; I want to watch it live. The Renegades do not have major-league caliber multimedia displays, so the best we can hope for is a couple of 52″-class wide-screen televisions, around which perhaps 30 men could stand and watch the game. Needless to say, there are many more than about a hundred men who actually want to watch the game. A “hosted tailgate” party is promised, but that does not imply anything like free food and drink.

    Other possible options will include the standard offer to designate the unwanted tickets for resale. It will be extremely difficult to resell a block of four tickets when parts of familes are not permitted to enter until the game is mostly over. In fact, a friend of the family would like to use our tickets for her and her two teenage sons, the youngest of which is autistic and needs supervision. We won’t be able to offer her the tickets for July 7, because of an unnecessary and arbitrary discrimination by the Renegades management. Her sons will have to wait outside, unsupervised.

    Not surprisingly, waldo’s observation that a valid analogy to this promotion would be a celebration of Negro League accomplishments by only admitting black fans went without a response. That kind of racial discrimination is an abomination in society, but the same kind of gender discrimination is expected to be accepted with good humor.

    There are so many problems with this promotion, it’s difficult to know where to start. There’s supposed to be a charity fundraiser the same evening for Multiple Myeloma, and contributions might run a little less than expected if half (or more) of the stadium is empty. As well, much of the Stadium Corporation’s revenue is derived from the sale of overpriced concessions and souvenirs, so it is certainly a questionable business strategy to alienate fully half of the market segment by prohibiting entrance into the place of business. It is beyond amazing that the Renegades VP of marketing can’t understand the problem with the meaning of “leave elderly men in the parking lot.” There are quite a few senior citizens who spend their time at the ballpark, so it will be a completely unnecessary inconvenience for the senior men to comply with the promotion. Perhaps plastic chairs will be provided in the parking lot for their seating comfort; perhaps trees will be provided for their bathroom requirements. Restless adolescent boys in the parking lot will be separated from single mothers; the young daughters of single fathers will be alone and bewildered in the seats. Of course, neither of those situations will actually happen, because neither of those family units will bother to go to the game. Passionate fans of the opposing Staten Island Yankees traveling north from the NY metropolitan area expecting to see a live minor league game will not be happy in the least. And other nearby NY-Penn League teams may wish to cater to the men – or entire families – who do not wish to participate. The management team of the Goldklang Group and the Dutchess Stadium Corporation may be stupid, but they can’t possibly be that stupid.


    In response to, I couldn’t disagree with you more. First of all, before you begin criticizing one of the most genius and innovative promotions of the last century, get your facts straight. The Renegades have been in existence 15 years, not 16. As for Tyler Tumminia, she is the Vice President of Marketing and Operations for the Goldklang Group, the ownership group of the Renegades. She is not the “Renegades marketing vp” as you refer to her. Secondly, you are blowing this way out of proportion. This promotion was planned for a night of family fun and entertainment and to celebrate the independence and femininity of women. There is nothing demeaning or hurtful to women about this this promotion at all. Can you really not sit by yourself without your wife for 4 innings until the game becomes official? This is one game out of the 38 home games that is intended to celebrate women’s independence. It is attention grabbing individuals like yourself that ruin fun and happiness for everyone else. You are still receiving the full amenities that the stadium has to offer, food and beverage will be served at a discounted price and you will still have the pleasure of watching the game. It is unbelievable how a season ticket holder like yourself is so quick to attack the team you have called “home” for the 15 (not 16) years of their existence. This promotion is an amazing idea to help women get the recognition they deserve. The Renegades and the Goldklang Group deserve an award for this promotion, not backlash from an ignorant individual like yourself, you should honestly be ashamed of yourself for making such childish and irrelevant comments. Haven’t you ever heard “FUN IS GOOD”?

    Might I add one of your finest moments of your comment sir, and I quote: “The management team of the Goldklang Group and the Dutchess Stadium Corporation may be stupid, but they can’t possibly be that stupid.” Now you tell me who sounds like the “stupid” one?


    I think it is very nice that the Renegades are doing something different. This is very interesting and I am glad women are getting the recognition they deserve! I am bringing a group of 40 of us from Montgomery, NY.

    Go Gades!!


    First, I’d like to thank Jane for contacting someone at the Renegades to address this issue, and for keeping the forum open for future discussion. Now…

    It does seem there are many people who agree with me(OK one, but since Tyler Tumminia isn’t about to come up with many names, neither will I). And although I had written a response to the “Renegades’ marketing VP” (Jane’s words, not llhanson4’s) I think that llhanson4 did a very good job of presenting some of the issues in this flawed promotion and think he/she deserves some credit for their arguments. I will, however, present my own responses below. The Renegades comments are in bold, my answers below in plain text:

    The Renegades picked this particular evening for the promotion for a specific purpose- at the time of the decision, almost all of the tickets that were sold were to our season ticket holders and similar multiple game plans- making it possible for us to actively inform them of the deviation from a normal Gades event. If any of those fans wish to not attend this game, we have many options to otherwise satisfy them. It’s not a “tough luck” situation- they are being fairly (many would say more than fairly) compensated.

    It is a “tough luck” situation. Men who purchased a ticket for a specific seat for that game are being told that they can take accept what the club is offering (sitting in the parking lot) or can sell their ticket back to the team; using the ticket as it was intended at the point of sale is not an option. As for how the men are being treated, I would love to hear from the “many” who think men are being treated “more than fairly”. Everything I’ve heard indicate that both men and women think this promotion is a terrbile idea.

    As for seats, we will not sell box or reserved seats to women that are held by others- unless those who hold those tickets wish to release them. There should be no issues with seating once the men are released into the park.

    I was not suggesting that the team would double-sell seats, merely that women (and men and children, when they’re allowed in the stadium) have a tendency to occupy seats not necessarily their own, when the seats are closer to the field and the rightful owners are not in them. Does the team honestly expect all women, including teenagers and young children, to sit in their proper seats for the entire game or not cause a fuss when they are asked to move?

    I’m not certain what “leave elderly males in the parking lot means”, but as we do every game, we make available seating for those disabled or unable to move sufficiently well to their seats. This game will be no different.

    Except that disabled seating will be in the parking lot, which is not level (although it is mostly smooth). This brings up another topic; where in the parking lot does the team propose to let people park? THe only paved area is reserved for people with season ticket parking passes, and I imagine they would be upset and having their spots taken.

    Those who hold box seats- many of them season ticket holders- have several avenues (as noted above) available to them should they wish not to attend the game.

    As stated above, they have two choices: take it or leave it (sell the tickets back).

    We are not barring men from our park. In fact, we are setting up a wonderful and entertaining area for them just outside our gates, where we have screens up showing the game going on inside.

    You are barring men from your park, you’re not barring them from the parking lot. And your “wonderful and entertaining area” amounts to sitting in the driveway at home, watching the game on TV. And it’s not your park… it’s not even your stadium; it belongs to the people of Dutchess County.

    This is a celebration of women and the power of women both in our sport and society as a whole.

    This is a celebration of the power of a team (and women) to exclude people on the basis of gender. If the Renegades truly wanted to celebrate women in baseball (or society), they could have had a night where all jobs in the stadium were done by women; General Manager, PA Announcer, Radio Announcer, etc. and the between-innings games all feature women. Instead, they decided the best way was to make men sit in the parking lot. Can you imagine the uproar if the team held a men’s night, and women were told to sit in the parking lot and watch “Jon & Kate Plus 8” re-runs, because it was assumed that is what women actually want to do? Plenty of women go to the park to actually watch the game, often with their boyfriends or husbands, and they’ll be disappointed thier significant other can’t be there with them.

    If someone wishes to ruin that because they are not able to sit in a seat for five measly innings on a summer night, they might need to get out more. If your reader is one of our fans who holds a ticket to that night and is not happy with the promotion, please have them contact us and we will find him a solution.

    Funny, I thought having season tickets and coming to Renegades games was getting out. Maybe I should keep the $1500 or so dollars I spend on tickets, parking, food and souvenirs for something else. Maybe I’ll use it to pay the cable bill, since then I’ll be able to watch the July 7th game on TV, from the comfort of my home, without being told where to sit.

    Additional questions I’ve thought of since my post was responded to: I’d like to know how the team plans to reimburse male ticketholders who paid for box seats ($14) and will receive the same “tailgate” experience as those who paid for General Admission tickets ($5). For that matter, how will they prevent people from simply parking and walking into the tailgate area?

    “The first 2,500 people to arrive” are supposed to receive a “15th Anniversary Renegades commemorative coin”, but giveaways have always been handed out at the gates, so how will the men get theirs? In case the Renegades hadn’t heard, The Oakland A’s recently settled a sexual discrimination lawsuit over a Mother’s Day giveaway, resulting from their failure to give a man a women’s hat, despite significant pre-game advertising regarding the nature of the promotion.

    As a last thought, let’s consider the legality of this promotion. Try Googling “gender discrimination ‘new york state’ law” and see how many articles you can find where the illegality of “ladies nights” is indicated. In case that’s not enough, track down New York State Executive Law Section 296, Sub-division 2(a):

    It shall be an unlawful discriminatory practice for any person, being the owner, lessee, proprietor, manager, superintendent, agent or employee of any place of public accommodation, resort or amusement, because of the race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex, or disability or marital status of any person, directly or indirectly, to refuse, withhold from or deny to such person any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities or privileges thereof, including the extension of credit, or, directly or indirectly, to publish, circulate, issue, display, post or mail any written or printed communication, notice or advertisement, to the effect that any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any such place shall be refused, withheld from or denied to any person on account of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex, or disability or marital status, or that the patronage or custom thereat of any person of or purporting to be of any particular race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex or marital status, or having a disability is unwelcome, objectionable or not acceptable, desired or solicited.

    If you’re still reading and actually interested, this means that not only would the team be breaking New York State Law by following through with this promotion, they’ve already broken the law by actively promoting it. Maybe it’s the State and County authorities we should be addressing.


    Thank you, cbc3344, for your comments. I will respond to each of your concerns.

    In response to, I couldn’t disagree with you more. First of all, before you begin criticizing one of the most genius and innovative promotions of the last century, get your facts straight. The Renegades have been in existence 15 years, not 16.

    Are you sure about that? The inaugural season was 1994, and this is the sixteenth season they’ve been playing. When calculating the difference between 1994 and 2009, you need to keep in mind that both of those years are included. The Renegades are already a few weeks into their 16th season. I made no claims about how long they’ve existed; the affiliation contract with the Texas Rangers was signed in 1993, so you’re even more off. Also, as waldo has already pointed out, the promotion is more accurately described as “illegal” rather than “genius and innovative.”

    As for Tyler Tumminia, she is the Vice President of Marketing and Operations for the Goldklang Group, the ownership group of the Renegades. She is not the “Renegades marketing vp” as you refer to her.

    I notice you’ve already been corrected on this one by a later post. I was echoing Jane’s description, and she did not identify Tyler as the spokesperson, so I just took it as assumed that the source of the official comment was, in fact, a Renegades marketing VP.

    Secondly, you are blowing this way out of proportion. This promotion was planned for a night of family fun and entertainment

    Many families include men, who are supposedly barred from the ballpark. How does that contribute toward “family fun?”

    and to celebrate the independence and femininity of women.
    A man does not need to be barred from the stadium in order that women’s independence and femininity can be celebrated.

    There is nothing demeaning or hurtful to women about this this promotion at all.
    You missed the example I gave of the required male employees (security, ushers, groundskeepers, and PA announcer) being allowed in wearing dresses and wigs. That’s mocking femininity, not celebrating it. To extend waldo’s analogy of a “blacks-only” night, it would be similar to necessary white employees showing up in blackface.

    Can you really not sit by yourself without your wife for 4 innings until the game becomes official?
    I want to be with my family, and I want to watch the baseball game with them. I bought a ticket in order to do that, and now it apparently won’t be honored. And as someone so anally-retentive about precision and accuracy, shouldn’t you be aware that the earliest a regulation game can end is in the fifth inning, not the fourth? If the Renegades are losing, men won’t be admitted until the start of the sixth inning.

    This is one game out of the 38 home games that is intended to celebrate women’s independence.
    One need not be a woman in order to celebrate women’s independence; one need not be barred from the stadium in order to participate in that celebration.

    It is attention grabbing individuals like yourself that ruin fun and happiness for everyone else.
    Ironically, you don’t seem concerned about my fun and happiness, which is rooted in watching a baseball game I paid to see. Why don’t I (and many other men) count among “everyone else?”

    You are still receiving the full amenities that the stadium has to offer,
    You’ve got to be kidding. One of the “full amenities that the stadium has to offer” are bathrooms that are not port-a-potties. Another possibly illegal practice is the lack of handicapped bathroom facilities. We’ll be peeing on trees in the parking lot.

    food and beverage will be served at a discounted price
    Considering that pizza is four bucks for a slice of reheated Pizza Hut, even a discount will still be way above retail. No great advantage there.

    and you will still have the pleasure of watching the game.
    I do not wish to watch it from the parking lot, standing up, on a television set. I want to watch it as it happens live, from my seat, with my family.

    It is unbelievable how a season ticket holder like yourself is so quick to attack the team you have called “home” for the 15 (not 16) years of their existence.
    Apart from some justified complaints about maybe they should run suicide squeezes more often with runners on 1st and 3rd with fewer than 2 outs, I haven’t attacked the team at all. Most likely, you’re not referring to the actual ballplayers, but to the Stadium Corporation staff and management. It took many years to get them to give season ticket holders a break on the unusually high-priced concessions (Tri-City Valley Cats food and souvenirs are uniformly 50%-or-less than the Renegades prices, and T/C offers free parking; Stadium Corp parking is five bucks) by allowing us $1 sodas in special cups if a season ticket holder pays the full price early. Big deal. Eben Yager has transformed Dave Burke’s family-fun, giveaway-oriented promotions into theme-related activities, anything which doesn’t cost money – and this went into effect long before the current economic crisis hit last year. And, being sixteen year season ticket holder (remember to count both 1994 and 2009 when subtracting), I know Tyler Tumminia well. She is an unusually bright, intelligent, personable, motivated, and energetic baseball executive, a friend to all, responsible for long overdue and appreciative recognition to the professional baseball scouts across the nation. But sometimes good people have bad ideas, and it’s never a good idea to cover up an illegal action discriminating against men by casually remarking “Hey, the women like it. ”

    This promotion is an amazing idea to help women get the recognition they deserve.
    The promotion is illegal, and there are much better ways to celebrate and recognize women’s independence than by banning men from the ballpark who hold tickets to the game.

    The Renegades and the Goldklang Group deserve an award for this promotion,
    The “award” is usually in the form of monetary fines for breaking the law, along with orders of retribution to those who have suffered damages. Whether you think it’s suffering is irrelevant; it only matters what a judge thinks of it.

    not backlash from an ignorant individual like yourself,
    or ignorant lawyers filing ignorant class-action lawsuits on behalf of more than a thousand ignorant male baseball fans who simply want what to get what they paid for.

    you should honestly be ashamed of yourself for making such childish and irrelevant comments.
    Just not in any way you can demonstrate.

    Haven’t you ever heard “FUN IS GOOD”?
    Of course. It was a favorite slogan of the clever baseball executive, Bill Veeck, whose son applied it to all franchises in the Tampa Bay organization, which was abrogated by jerks like PA announcer Rick Zolzer for his own separate DJ business, and who morphed it into “FUN IS GOOD, AS LONG AS YOU HAVE FUN THE WAY WE TELL YOU TO HAVE FUN.”

    Might I add one of your finest moments of your comment sir, and I quote: “The management team of the Goldklang Group and the Dutchess Stadium Corporation may be stupid, but they can’t possibly be that stupid.” Now you tell me who sounds like the “stupid” one?
    My answer would involve you holding a mirror at arm’s length and looking into the reflective surface.


    baseballfan75 writes: I think it is very nice that the Renegades are doing something different. This is very interesting and I am glad women are getting the recognition they deserve! I am bringing a group of 40 of us from Montgomery, NY.
    We really need to pay attention to waldo’s analogy here. Suppose the Renegades management wanted to promote, celebrate, and recognize the history of the Negro Leagues and the accomplishments of black employees in professional baseball – by only admitting black people to Dutchess Stadium before the 5th inning? The reaction would be immediate condemnation, and virtually no one would respond “I think it is very nice that the Renegades are doing something different. This is very interesting and I am glad blacks are getting the recognition they deserve! I am bringing a group of 40 of us from Montgomery, ALABAMA.” What’s the difference? In the eyes of the law, there’s no difference in discrimination at all. It’s just as illegal.


    Jane Heller, Tyler Tumminia and others,

    I am a woman, wife, mother and season ticket holder to the Renegades for the past 14 years. I find this promotion and the one on 7/14 to be disgusting. The Renegades tout “Family entertainment,” yet they are separating families. The idea of family went out with window with the naming of this promotion. Here is a conversation that took place in my house with my 7 year old female neighbor: “The Renegades are going to play baseball with out a ball?” “What? No. That is just a promotion.” “What are they going to do?” “Its just a womens only night.” “Oh, so why do they call it BALL-LESS?” Does anyone care to answer that question?
    On Mothers Day I am celebrated by and with my family. NOT BY BEING SEPARATED from them.
    The Renegades claim to have offered compensation to the season ticket holders….None that we have heard of. It is either particpate in this promotion or sell your tickets or not attend. Whatever I was to do, I would not have gotten what I paid for, in full, in October of last year. That was to spend time at the ball games WITH my family.
    Thankfully after receiving a letter from the Dutchess County Attorney this promotion is being changed to allow everyone into the stadium.
    The promotion for 7/14 is “Show your support night”. A tribute to underwear, bras and jock straps. There is nothing family oriented about this promotion either. Who ever is coming up with these promotions needs to get out of the cheesy nightclubs and attend a game. Dutchess Stadium is full NIGHTLY with FAMILIES.

    If you wish to celebrate women in baseball, don’t you think the men should also see what women have done? How about Vassar College Womens Baseball team? Their picture hangs in Cooperstown…from the late 1800’s. How about Julie Croteau? Eleanor Engle? The women who played during WW11? That would be a celebration of women in baseball, not this STUPID promotion.
    FUN IS GOOD…Yes, fun is good, but this promotion is not FUN. If you wish to call me names (an Ignorant Individual) like you did to another poster, I wonder if even you knew the above names without looking them up.
    On October 4th, 2009 my 17 year old daughter will be inducted into the Dutchess County Sports Hall of Fame. Her father and brother will NOT be excluded from this celebration of her femininity AND contribution to baseball.

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