CC Could Pitch Three Times….And Maybe Catch

I’ve been thinking a lot about CC Sabathia today.
There’s been speculation about whether he’ll make three starts for the Yankees in the ALCS – and whether it’s a good idea if he does. I guess it’ll depend on the weather and how the days off line up. But my opinion? It’s a great idea. Here’s why.
* I’d be terrified of sending Joba out there at this point.
* I don’t have a ton of confidence in Chad Gaudin.
* CC is a horse and can carry the team (or vice versa).
* CC does strenuous stretching exercises to stay in shape.
sabathia fat.jpg
* CC also lifts weights as part of his strict workout regimen.
* CC has a magic heating pad that protects him from oblique strains and evil spirits.
* CC is the perfect pitcher to start Game 1 at Yankee Stadium – our ace.

* CC is the perfect pitcher to start Game 4 at Angel Stadium.
* CC is the perfect pitcher to start Game 7 (if necessary) back in the Bronx – and win it.
OK, so I’ve established that I’m comfortable with CC in the role of Super Pitcher. But now that I really think about it, why shouldn’t the Yankees use him at other positions on days when he’s not pitching? Seriously.
* Like he could catch AJ instead of Molina, since they have such good chemistry.
* He could take over for Cano at second, since he’s such an accomplished fielder.
* He could give A-Rod a rest at third, turning nifty double plays with the Captain.

* And, speaking of the Captain, he could fill in at shortstop if need be and cover plenty of foul territory.
Derek Jeter Dive into Stands.jpg
This is all another way of saying that if Girardi decides to go with CC as the Yankees’ main man, I’m behind it 100%.


  1. Yankee Hater Hater

    If CC dives into the stands to make a catch like Jeter did, I might just die laughing, cuz he might not clear the wall and end up breaking through it instead.
    Dont forget pinch-hitter. He has a very Ryan Howard/Prince Fielder build to him. He could take advantage of the short porch in right.
    CC hitting a homer. Angels might just forfeit right after.


  2. Jane Heller

    I bet he could do all that, NYColeman. Glad you were entertained!

    Can you imagine if he did dive into the seats like that, YHH? People would get crushed! You’re right about the pinch hitting. He could come off the bench and probably do better than Hinske and Hairston. The only thing I wouldn’t suggest is pinch running. Brett Gardner he isn’t.

  3. Buz

    Thats pretty creative Jane… although I think it might be kind of interesting seeing his Jeter imitation. I’d say he’s safe doing the pitching and weight lifting.. everything else I’d have a suspicious eye on : )

    Buz –

  4. Jane Heller

    I wouldn’t mind seeing him pinch hit, Buz. Hitting is something he enjoyed in the NL and was pretty good at. How cool would it be to watch him pop one into the seats. Oh, boy.

  5. ibleedpinstripes

    This was a very giggle-worthy entry. I love the ‘weights’ picture, LOL. And I agree about CC. He’s been pretty much a catalyst this whole season, and I really think he can work wonders in this LCS. Friday really, really cannot come soon enough! Sheesh!

    – Lisa

  6. Jane Heller

    CC has been our ace, Lisa. Now let’s hope he can be our ace x 3! I feel the same way about Friday. When I heard about the forecast for rain in NY and that the game might be pushed back to Saturday, I was like, NO WAY!

  7. levelboss

    “.. the forecast for rain in NY.. the game might be pushed back to Saturday..”

    hmm.. how would that work out for CC? Game 4 is the game that CC’s supposed to pitch on three days rest.. if Game 1 is pushed back i wonder if the whole schedule gets pushed back or whether teams are supposed to deal with a tighter schedule.. i hope this doesn’t mess anything up 😦

  8. Jane Heller

    Apparently, there’s rain in the forecast for Friday and Saturday, levelboss. But we can’t panic. They’re bound to get one of the games in, if not both. I’m assuming that in the case of a postponement on Friday, they’d play Saturday and Sunday, losing the travel day. Or maybe they’d push everything back a day. No clue!

  9. levelboss

    rain+postponement = not good..

    look at the 2006 ALDS between the Yankees and the Tigers.. game 1 went great for the Yankees; game 2 was rained out and then the makeup game went South for the Yankees – you know the rest.. that is why i’m a little nervous about playoff rainouts


    Funny post!
    Could you imaging CC:
    Catching and blocking the plate? I don’t think anyone could get by him!
    Playing shortstop and doing that in the air 360?
    Playing third and doing a full out dive to get a ball down the line?
    It also reminded me of a Looney Tunes. “Playing First base: Bugs Bunny. Second base: Bugs Bunny. Third base: Bugs Bunny . . .”

    A rain out on Friday would drive us all to distraction!

  11. ladyjane303

    Loved this post, and I’m with you all the way, Jane. This is what the Yankees got him for. I’m getting antsy for this series to start – 4 days without baseball at this time of year is too much. Sounds like there’s a possibility that the worst of the rain will be out of here by game time on Friday and they’ll get game 1 in as scheduled. We can only hope….. Go Yankees!

  12. robinlyn

    I agree, he’s our go to guy for the series. But maybe when he’s resting he can fill in for Jay-Z and help Kate cheer on A-Rod?!

    …one more day!


    Your blog is saving me. I’m not one of these bravado Yankee fans, I’m a worrywort and hate to hear all the pundits say, how great are those Angels. As if I don’t know. They all make me so nervous. But then I come to your blog, where we have fun and pretend that our guys are superheros. I need that.

    One thing that was encouraging was Al Leiter and Carlos Pena breaking down Mo’s cutter on MLB network. Usually when Al talks pitching I start thinking about how my toenails need a touch up. But this time I paid attention. I’m always nervous with Mariano on the mound (I know I shouldn’t be but I’m not a fan I’m a Yankee addict. I’m like Jane – I wanted them to win that last weekend at the Trop.) The gist of what they said about the cutter was that when the batter goes to swing, the ball isn’t there! My fav moment in game three of the ALDS was when Mariano broke Joe Mauer’s bat. WOW.

    But the today the NYT is chastising all the hitters who didn’t hit against the Twinkies. They are never happy. And of course the At Bat blogs talked about tough John Lackey. But I know he’s a toad so I’m not worried.

    We got invited to a party Friday night – I’m not going. My husband said the game will be on as if that is enough. Do we blog during the game? I usually do dishes – I don’t think I’ve ever sat through a Mariano save. It would help to type.

    Thanks for ya’ll being there, you guys (my best Andy Pettitte impression).



    Jane, I think you’ve got the solution to their problems AGAIN — with C.C. the Catcher! After all — Cervelli is too young, Hor-Hay is too old, and Molina can’t hit his weight — all C.C. has to do is hit HIS weight, and they’ll be A-O-K!! And think of the novelty of a LEFTY catcher — all those Angel baserunners would HAVE to think twice — where’s it coming from? — and the man can THROW — so LOOK OUT!! And what umpire’s gonna dare to call a lot of balls on Yankee hurlers when they have to deal with THAT guy towering over them…once again, the She-Fan has it all figured out…how d’ya do it?!?!

  15. swanton7

    C.C should really consider changing his name to S.S (Superman Sabathia) with all the things he has the potential to do! In all serious, I agree, Sabathia is a horse and if anyone can deliver two…possibly three times…it’s C.C. Doomsday for the Angels is rapidly approching…

    Go Yankees! Great blog, Jane.

  16. Jane Heller

    Ooh, you just brought up that series against the Tigers and made me very nervous, levelboss. But scroll down and read the comment by ladyjane. She says the rain is now predicted to be gone by game time tomorrow night! Good news!

    Maybe I was thinking of that Looney Tunes cartoon when I wrote this post, Melissa. LOL! I do remember it. It would just be so funny to see CC playing every position. No rainout. See above for ladyjane’s comment. Let’s hope she’s right and there will be baseball tomorrow night!

    I think we’re all feeling the irritation of this LONG waiting period for the series to start, ladyjane. I bet even the players are feeling it. Both the Yankees and Angels swept their opponents and were hot. Can they stay hot with all the sitting around? I sure hope the Yankees can. Thanks for the weather update. We’re all relieved to hear it. Are you going to Games 1 or 2, btw? I’m guessing the answer is yes!

    Good idea, Robin! I should have put it in this post. CC could definitely fill in as a friend of Kate’s and sit next to her cheering A-Rod on. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind filling in at Jay-Z’s next concert too.

    Laurie, I’m rah-ray AND a worrywart, so you get both sides of the coin with me. I saw that segment on MLB Network last night with Leiter talking about Mo’s cutter. (LOL about Leiter and your toenails. HAHAHA! I do know what you mean.) I found it very interesting and I always love when people give Mo his due. And here’s a secret about what happens in my house when Mo comes in to pitch: I get up from my seat and stand right next to the TV and MAKE him get batters out. As for the NY Times article about the hitters who aren’t hitting, I saw that too, and I agreed with it. Damon, Melky, Cano, Swisher and even Tex need to pick it up. And they will. They have to. During the actual games I try to check the blog, so feel free to leave a comment. But mostly I’m on Twitter, “watching” the game with other Yankee fans, sharing our thoughts about every little thing. It helps ease the nerves a little. Take care, y’all. (My Pettitte impression)

    CC could probably eat the horse too, Jeff, although that particular horse didn’t look too appetizing.

    Dave, I like your analysis of CC as a catcher. It works for me. The one problem is: Would he be able to crouch? And then get up? And then crouch again? Hmm. Not sure, now that I really think about it. Maybe he could catch standing up the whole time?

    SS Sabathia. I like it, Brian! Honestly, I just hope he pitches a great Game 1 at this point, with all the talk about how good Lackey is. I want him to have a terrific outing and then we can move on to his next 10 starts. HAHA.

  17. behindblueyes

    I’m awaiting the start of your series almost as much as I am awaiting ours. It should be a competitive one; both teams seem driven. Should the Dodgers get past the Phillies, there is a lot of speculation about a potential Dodgers-Yankees classic…as well as a possible Freeway World Series. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, though. We all have immediate tasks at hand. Good luck and enjoy the ALCS!


    Message to Paul L — okay, based on what you’ve posted here b4, I for one am not surprised. I’ll be happy if the ALCS goes to seven, and then take my chances. I heard a neutral observer on ESPN radio break down the series last nite — HE said that while Figgins and Abreu do have great plate discipline, the rest of them do not — and even tho’ Vlad the Impaler can/will swing at/hit anything, the rest of them?…not so much. Personally, I am SICK of hearing about how GREAT Kendry Morales is, and how much better than Tex, blah blah woof woof. We ain’t deaf back east. Yes, if ALL the Yankee hitters who were cold in the DS are ALL just as cold in the CS, they’re likely doomed. But, as they say in my softball games, with the home-team last-AB edge, our boys DO have “The Hammer” — and it’s been known to strike once in a while. And no matter HOW great Fuentes may be, he don’t scare me to the bone the way K-Rod did in ’02 and ’05. Having said all that, we shall see…


    Hi Jane,

    It’s not that I don’t like Joe Torre, it’s just that I don’t like him as much as I used to.

    When he first came to the Yankees, I was upset. Who is this guy? A .500 manager, never did anything, never won anything, just took up space. A good catcher, but. . . .He proceeded to do a lot for the Yankees. He was instrumental in reestablishing the team as the greatest in all of sport. And you know what, the Yankees did a lot for him too. Got him the best players in the game, positioned him to win the World Series, made him the highest paid manager in the game, the Yankees enabled Joe Torre to become a winner. Then he writes a book. Comes down off the high road. He becomes “just another one”.

    You know, Benedict Arnold was a great General. The British were preparing to wipe out the colonists in Saratoga, NY. They were getting ready to sail down the Hudson, whup George Washington at West Point, take New York City, split the colonies in half, and win the war. General Benedict Arnold through his brilliance and courage fought off the British at Saratoga, kept them off the Hudson River, never allowed them to win the war. Benedict Arnold turned out to be a traitor. The Battle of Saratoga is revered at West Point. Some think it was the turning point in the Revolutionary War. Even today it is studied in the hallowed halls of West Point Military Academy for its brilliance. The name “Benedict Arnold” however, is never so much as mentioned in any way other than as a traitor.

    It’s not that I think Joe Torre is another Benedict Arnold.

    I saw a commercial. Joe Torre is drinking herbal essence floral raspberry tea. “I’m from Brooklyn” he says in the commercial. “I was one of the few people in Brooklyn who drank this tea. Now that I’m in Southern California, it’s much easier to find.” Who is Joe Torre kidding? They don’t drink tea in Brooklyn. Black coffee. Straight Scotch. Not herbal chocolate frappe tea. They don’t even let tea bags across the Brooklyn Bridge.

    I don’t think Joe Torre is Benedict Arnold.

    Do you think Derek Jeter is going to write a book bad mouthing anyone on the New York Yankees when he retires? I kinda think not. That’s because Derek Jeter is a star.

    Joe Torre, once he left New York, he became just another one. I’m rooting for Philly.


  20. Jane Heller

    Nope. I don’t like it much, Paul. You got that right.

    At least your series starts tonight, behindblueyes! We have to wait another day, which is so annoying. I agree that both series should be competitive. The Dodgers and Phillies are having a rematch of last year, with the Dodgers hoping to exact revenge. And the Yankees split the regular season with the Angels and are hoping to reverse past history in the playoffs. Good luck to you!

    Love it, Dave. I’m sick of hearing about Morales too. You’d think he was Albert Pujols. Oh, wait. Pujols’s team was swept by the Dodgers.

  21. Jane Heller

    Thanks for posting the comment, Christy. (Sorry my responses got scrambled in terms of their order. Weird.) I understand how you feel regarding Joe. I wish he hadn’t written the book with Verducci, particularly while he’s still managing and the players he managed are still playing. There have always been books that go behind the scenes in the clubhouse (Bronx Zoo, Ball Four) and we all thought they were fun/interesting/entertaining. Somehow, it’s different when it’s the manager and father figure who allows tales to be told. That said, I can’t hold a grudge against Torre. He’s still the guy who was at the helm during those wonderful years and I’ll always root for him (and Donnie, of course) – unless his Dodgers are facing the Yankees.

  22. ladyjane303

    Actually sitting this series out and will be watching from home. Taking it on faith that we will make it to the WS and I will spend the big bucks on game 1 or 2 then. BTW, have you seen the Nick Tuttorro “I Breathe Baseball” show on MLB TV? Only 2 episodes, but hilarious – he’s like all the rabid Yankee fans rolled into one. All I can say is his wife is a saint!

  23. Jane Heller

    I haven’t seen the show, ladyjane. Sounds like something I would love. Is it still on? I must check it out!

  24. crzblue2

    You have quite an imagination. Image of CC blocking the plate brings memories of how Scioscia used to block the plate for the Dodgers. Is ashamed that we lost him.
    So rain in N.Y? It was very foggy this morning driving in to work but it is a beautiful day for a ballgame now. I am leaving work eary and I’ll be part of the crowd waiting outside for the gates of Blue Heaven on Earth to open.
    Good luck to your Yankees and to CC.
    Oh no! I was Ok, relaxed, but now I am beginning to get nervous again. Is just that excitement nervous feeling.

  25. Jane Heller

    Thanks, ladyjane. I bet they’ll rerun it.

    Yeah, it’s raining in NY, Emma and is supposed to keep raining – probably the same storm system we had. At least you’ll get your game in tonight. I know you’ll be there to greet your boys and cheer them on. It’s definitely that nervous time again, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Try not to root against us, Kaybee. Come on!


    I agree with Christy , not so much liking Torre anymore (though the NYT article touched my heart which is why I hesitated to read it as I knew it would. What he said about his daughter was really sweet. I also figured I’d better read the article about Mike Scioscia since I’ve hated him for a long time. That was nice too. It really humanized him. He drives a Prius and has a wife and kids! I actually remember him as a catcher and for the life of me I cannot find a resemblance. Some men really let themselves go.) I think the book fired up some Yankees – Damon admitted it did, so there was some good from it.
    I hate the media’s comments about the Yankees’ hitting during the ALDS because it doesn’t matter. Look at all the hits the Twins got and where did it get them? And I want to point out that our buddy, Nick got a huge RBI double that actually was the game one winner. I’ll take that regardless of what else he did. It is the post season after all. And, you might remember how bad Johnny hit against the Yanks in the 04 series. It seemed like he was 0 for 50. Then he hit the grand slam in game seven that caused me to turn off my TV. So he is always lurking and other teams know that. I do think they will need to step up their play but not necessarily in the hitting department as long as they are clutch. There was some shoddy defense – Posada’s Game 1 and Cano not getting Cuddyer’s ground ball, which worked out OK, was another. Burnett let way too any runners on base and Hughes was pretty bad. Joba gave up a double and Mo didn’t get a hold in game one. Please don’t put Damaso Marte on the roster. Actually, as far has hitting goes, I am concerned that A-Rod has had too many days away from baseball and will have let all the accolades go to his head. Jane do you think you could have a conversation with Kate about keeping him calm and humble? My fear is that she is from the same mold. Laurie


    I agree with Christy , not so much liking Torre anymore (though the NYT article touched my heart which is why I hesitated to read it as I knew it would. What he said about his daughter was really sweet. I also figured I’d better read the article about Mike Scioscia since I’ve hated him for a long time. That was nice too. It really humanized him. He drives a Prius and has a wife and kids! I actually remember him as a catcher and for the life of me I cannot find a resemblance. Some men really let themselves go.) I think the book fired up some Yankees – Damon admitted it did, so there was some good from it.
    I hate the media’s comments about the Yankees’ hitting during the ALDS because it doesn’t matter. Look at all the hits the Twins got and where did it get them? And I want to point out that our buddy, Nick got a huge RBI double that actually was the game one winner. I’ll take that regardless of what else he did. It is the post season after all. And, you might remember how bad Johnny hit against the Yanks in the 04 series. It seemed like he was 0 for 50. Then he hit the grand slam in game seven that caused me to turn off my TV. So he is always lurking and other teams know that. I do think they will need to step up their play but not necessarily in the hitting department as long as they are clutch. There was some shoddy defense – Posada’s Game 1 and Cano not getting Cuddyer’s ground ball, which worked out OK, was another. Burnett let way too any runners on base and Hughes was pretty bad. Joba gave up a double and Mo didn’t get a hold in game one. Please don’t put Damaso Marte on the roster. Actually, as far has hitting goes, I am concerned that A-Rod has had too many days away from baseball and will have let all the accolades go to his head. Jane do you think you could have a conversation with Kate about keeping him calm and humble? My fear is that she is from the same mold. Laurie


    I have the same feeling every time I see Scioscia! Sort of “THAT’S Mike Scioscia?!?!?!”


    I have the same feeling every time I see Scioscia! Sort of “THAT’S Mike Scioscia?!?!?!” I remember when he was cute.

  30. Jane Heller

    Laurie, I wouldn’t worry about A-Rod having too many days off. Of all the players, he’s the one who will benefit most by the rest. You’ll see. Unfortunately, Marte is on the roster. Don’t ask me why. He hasn’t been effective against lefties so what’s the point? And I don’t especially understand taking Hinske off the roster and putting Guzman on, other than to play a running game. Seems to me we could use a big bat (Hinske) off the bench. But I’m very optimistic about our chances tomorrow night. Very.

    I thought it was a fun idea to imagine CC playing all the positions, Elizabeth. Glad you enjoyed it!

    I’ve heard CC can hit very well, Ted. I’d love to see him get the chance one of these days.

    Thanks, mattpeas. We need all the good luck we can get!

    I don’t remember Scoscia ever being cute, Melissa, but I’ll take your word for it!

    Oh, that would be fantastic, Babu. I would love to see that too! Talk about getting a pie in the face!

  31. wetfeet

    Jane GTEAT BLOG, it has rained every day this week in east Texas, I haave checked out most blogs avaible. Yours is by far the best. Is there any way you could come over to the RANGER blogs as do a blog for a couple of week? That way maybe someone there will get a few ideas, and improve on what we have trying to pass a blog! Again great job!

  32. Jane Heller

    I’m sorry there aren’t any Texas Rangers blogs you find entertaining, wetfeet. If I knew more about the Rangers, maybe I could blog about them too! I think they’re a very good team and have a real shot at advancing to the playoffs next season.

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